Aurora Lakeland Medical Center Elkhorn, WI Architect:HGA Scope of Work:Fabricated rain screen system Painted pvdf green Metal Panels Projects AllRainscreen Inova Health CampusExterior Custom, Healthcare, Metal Panels, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Aronimink ElementaryK-12, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 William & Mary CollegeHigher Education, Metal Panels, Panels, Perforated Panels, Rainscreen, Section 057000, Section 074200 Spooky Nook Sports ComplexHealthcare, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Clearlake Wellness CenterHealthcare, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Westminster School – Barge CommonsK-12, Perforated Panels, Rainscreen, Section 057000, Section 074200 West Ashley High School Center for Advanced StudiesK-12, Rainscreen, Section 074200 LG HeadquartersColumn Covers, Corporate, Exterior Custom, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 055000, Section 074200 Hopkinsville Community CollegeHigher Education, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Fort Bliss HospitalColumn Covers, Government, Healthcare, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 055000, Section 074200 Lee’s Summit Water Utility Service CenterExterior Custom, Government, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Thayer High SchoolExterior Custom, K-12, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Logan Career Center and Technical InstituteExterior Custom, Higher Education, Metal Panels, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Solon High SchoolK-12, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Aurora Lakeland Medical CenterHealthcare, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Wando High SchoolK-12, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 Kansas City VA HospitalExterior Custom, Healthcare, Panels, Rainscreen, Section 074200 ← Wando High School Solon High School →